Business as usual

In light of the escalating COVID-19 pandemic we wanted to share a quick update on current status. We are continuing to accept orders on our site and to ship products while taking increased precautions to protect our staff and community from possible COVID-19 infection. It is our hope to provide regular service for as long as possible. We have always prioritized a high degree of automation and we hope to benefit from that by remaining operational as long as the delivery partners like FedEx and UPS will be able to deliver.


COVID-19 outbreak is a difficult time for many business and all of us together and each and everyone of us individually. Please stay safe and protect others. We all can do our part by reminding each other to stay inside as much as possible.

Yes, this is a good time to buy online and yes, this is a great time to get a sex doll. But we know the times are hard and this battle is going to be a long one. But we will win. And America will be great again!

#stayhome #flattenthecurve


Is is safe to order a sex doll amid the Corona Virus scare?

During these difficult times, we aim to provide our customers with as much information and transparency as possible. Although we cannot offer a definite answer and any sort of medical or scientific opinion, in the post below we offer a possibly most comprehensive outlook on the problem of receiving international shipments and local deliveries.

Lastly, in the unlikely event that there is any contamination, research has shown that COVID-19 only lives on plastic for up to 3 days, shorter than the typical period between when our products will have been last handled and when they are first delivered at your location or local UPS or FedEx store.

Finally, to end on a upbeat note, here’s a quote from a book that probably is more relevant now, than ever before:

“To him she seemed so beautiful, so seductive, so different from ordinary people, that he could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the clicking of her heels on the paving stones, why no one else's heart was wild with the breeze stirred by the sighs of her veils, why everyone did not go mad with the movements of her braid, the flight of her hands, the gold of her laughter. He had not missed a single one of her gestures, not one of the indications of her character, but he did not dare approach her for fear of destroying the spell.”

― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

In other words, don’t let the Coronavirus stop you from making your purchase, after all this time it is more important than ever to stay safe, to avoid unnecessary exposure and risk. And love is a risk itself. But love dolls aren’t.