Everything love dolls: news, shopping tips and gossip
Intrigued by the whole 'sex doll' buzz? Planning your first purchase? A journalist trying to wrap your head around the 'sex doll' biz? You're at the right place. We've got you covered, from news and gossip to witty column, this is American Sex Dolls News Channel. For tips and questions please visit our FAQ section here
Seasonal update on child-like sex doll laws and regulations (September 2019)
Young looking aka child sex dolls have now been officially banned in the USA, after Federal lawmakers followed in the footsteps of Great Britain and Australia, which had banned their importation and distribution.
Could social approval of sex dolls help fight human trafficking?
According to recently published research by , there are more than 9,000 illicit massage businesses — fronts for selling commercial sex — spread across every state in the United States. Could sex dolls became a socially acceptable alternative and effective weapon against human trafficking business?
This summer was a busy time in the sex dolls business
With dozens of new amazing love doll models, brand new silicone designs and some verified new suppliers the sex dolls business is doing better than ever before and so is AmericanSexDolls.com USA Sex Doll Shop. Here’s a short overview of what’s coming in September and quick rewind of the best sex dolls deals of 2019.
Sex Dolls have now been around for a while. Sex Robots have been on the tongues of everyone recently but is this a reality yet or are we still far away from a fully functional robotic sex doll.
Sex Dolls in the spring of 2019 are becoming very sophisticated
2019 has been a great year so far. So many new models, new styles, some very bold moves from manufacturers. It will be very interesting to see what’s next in the sex doll industry.
Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and unique to each individual. Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can vary dramatically.
WMDoll brand is well established, respected and innovative.
They offer wide selection of body options plus torsos.
WMDolls are always extremely lively, some of the best heads come from WMDoll. Also, they are very creative with body design, never afraid to experiment. E.g. some of the curvy dolls like Dolores or Kelly As you can imagine, these dolls can’t be cheap.
Interesting and well put together, deeply researched article. We encourage every sex doll fan to get familiar with this article covering the history of a sex doll and how it is inevitably connected with our culture.
November is a great month, starts a little spooky, then solemn, finally warm, cozy and joyful. We wanted to make it special so we have some sweet dolls and cute new dolls to share with ya’ll.